
The Art of Managing Your Career

PDF Package

The PDF Package of The Art of Managing Your Career includes printable PDF versions of the Guide, a Discipline Enhancement of your choice and the Competency Chart.

On this page:

The Art of Managing Your Career

The Art of Managing Your Career

Purchase an electronic copy of The Art of Managing Your Career that you can print.

Includes printable PDF versions of the Guide, a Discipline Enhancement and the Competency Chart.

Guide, Chart and Working in Crafts

Guide, Chart and Working in Dance

Guide, Chart and Working in Digital Media

Guide, Chart and Working in Film

Guide, Chart and Working in Music

Guide, Chart and Working in Theatre

Guide, Chart and Working in Visual Arts

Guide, Chart and Working in Writing

The Art of Managing Your Career (the Guide)

A resource for artists and cultural workers

The Art of Managing Your Career and its Discipline Enhancements were developed by artists and cultural workers to provide emerging self-employed artists and cultural workers with pertinent and practical information to better manage their careers.

Explore all five chapters of The Art of Managing Your Career:

  • Chapter 1: The Culture Biz
    • How do I establish my career goals?
    • What is a business plan?
    • How do I shape my career goals and business plan into a career strategy?
  • Chapter 2: The Art of Self-Promotion
    • What constitutes an effective promotional package?
    • How can I economically promote my work?
  • Chapter 3: The A to Z of Project Management
    • How can I get organized?
    • How do I write a successful proposal?
    • Where else can I find financial support?
    • How do I develop an action plan?
  • Chapter 4: Money - Keeping Track
    • How do I prepare and administer a budget?
    • How does self-employment differ financially from employment?
    • How do I handle income tax?
  • Chapter 5: You and the Law
    • How do I establish and enforce contracts?
    • How do I protect my copyright?
    • How do I resolve a legal dispute?

Discipline Enhancements

Career advice for your discipline

Discipline Enhancements

CWC has created discipline specific documents to enhance The Art of Managing Your Career. The eight enhancements offer information, resources, tips and pitfalls and links to relevant web sites.

Click to expand the Tables of Contents below:



Digital Media

Film and Television




Visual Arts

Competency Chart

Assess your skills

Competency Chart

To efficiently manage your career as a self-employed artist and/or cultural worker, you should be able to:

  • Envision and develop your career strategy
  • Create a business plan and market your art/creation/work/products
  • Manage a project
  • Manage resources
  • Manage financial affairs
  • Manage legal matters
  • Communicate effectively
  • Demonstrate personal competencies