Opportunities Cultural Managers

Cultural Management

Changes and Challenges

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How much culture do we "consume"?

If you are interested in learning just how much culture Canadians “consume” and produce, take this trivia quiz. Check your answers as you go through the 5 questions, and we think you’ll find some surprises.


Question 1: ____% of Canadians attended at least one live performance, visual arts exhibit or arts event in 2001.

  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%

Question 2: More than ____ your attended a performing arts production in Canada in 2001/02

  1. 1 million
  2. 2 million
  3. 3 million

Question 3: ____ as many Canadians attend the live performing arts as sporting events.

  1. Half
  2. Twice
  3. Three times

Question 4: ____ visitors attended Canadian museums and historic sites in 1999.

  1. 2 million
  2. 12 million
  3. 120 million

Question 5: Book publishing is big business in Canada: revenues totaled nearly ____ in 2000/01

  1. $250 million
  2. $2.5 billion
  3. $25 billion


1.A; 2.C; 3.B; 4.C; 5.B;

“I believe that arts and cultural organizations not only provide the community with an opportunity to learn something about the world, but they also offer an opportunity to learn about ourselves as individuals and our impact on the world. I have always enjoyed going to work everyday: it is not only a job, it is who I am as a person." 

Alexandra Hatcher, Director, Musée Heritage, St. Albert, AB

Movin' and Shakin'

The arts and heritage sector – like much of the voluntary sector in Canada – has been undergoing a lot of change since the early 1990s.

Changes and Challenges

If you like big cities, there is lots of cultural action going on!

Research into creative cities and economic drivers shows that skilled, mobile workers seek a high quality of life, and often find it in vibrant, dynamic and diverse communities with active downtown cores. Most immigrants establish their homes and communities in larger centres, and visitors look forward to taking part in some of the area's arts and heritage activity. It comes as no surprise that the majority of cultural activity in Canada—including the nation's largest arts organizations and heritage institutions—takes place in large cites, where almost three-quarters of Canada's artists and heritage workers live.

Arts and heritage is the glue in smaller and more isolated communities

There are unique and thriving artist co-operatives, community museums, local performing events and much more in small and large, rural and urban, northern and southern communities all across Canada. Cultural activities make a big contribution to quality of life and social connections In smaller communities. More and more municipalities are hiring staff dedicated to sorting In cultural development, and communities are featuring historic and cultural activities in their tourism development.

Make room for aboriginal artists

Aboriginal youth represent one of the only large groups in the next generation of workers. There are very few Aboriginal arts service organizations, and very little iv the way of cultural infrastructure to serve that community. Finding ways to reach Aboriginal youth and encourage there to join the sector to becoming increasingly important

Welcome immigrants from the world over

By 2020, it is predicted that immigration will account for all population growth In Canada. The cultural workforce as a whole must become more representative of the culturally diverse population of Canada, especially in major urban areas, which have both large concentrations of professional cultural organizations and an increasingly diverse citizenry.

Many skills in demand

The environment in which arts and heritage managers work has undergone revolutionary change in the last decade. Managing a not-for-profit arts or heritage organization is extraordinarily complex and demanding, and requires new and sophisticated skills. Competency in areas such as fundraising, relationships and networking, and the use of a broad range of technology and computer applications has become increasingly important in the field.

Better organizational health

In some parts of the country and in some disciplines, more attention is being paid to the health of organizations themselves. Financial assistance is available for organizations to strengthen their governance, bulk' management and administrative expertise, and take advantage of other external technical assistance. Some organizations are providing more professional development to their staff, and many are looking for ways to provide mentoring, internships and other forms of on-the-job training.

Stronger human resource management

There is a growing awareness in arts and heritage organizations of the need to strengthen the sector's human resource management and policy development. In addition, best practices In HR, as well as tools and templates, are being crafted specifically for the arts and heritage sector or the on-profit sector in general, and they are being delivered in electronic formats that are accessible anywhere.

“Working in the arts is always challenging and rewarding. My work contributes to the enrichment of my community. I have had the opportunity to discover and meet some of Canada and the world’s most important and influential authors. Individuals interested in cultural management should take the opportunity to experience as much as their local arts community has to offer. Meeting artists and managers involved in the arts as well as volunteering with a local art group or event will give you a taste of what is involved.”

Daniel Rondeau, Marketing and Development Coordinator, Harbourfront Reading Series and International Festival of Authors, Toronto